
7 results
  1. The Big Top and travelling circus

    Current figures by Marcel Freydefont   Taking an inventory of the big top and the travelling circus in this second decade of the 21st century in France, enables us to spot the figures that seem to...
  2. Acrobatics

  3. Clowns in the movies

    Clowns in the movies

    The global development of the clown's cinematographic figure is driven by the industrial boom of the film industry during the First World War in a North America far away from the battlefield. This...
  4. The Circus costume

    Since its beginnings in 1768, the history of the circus costume has been marked by a series of structuring and founding notions: abandonment, ornamentation and assembly. It is by sticking a feather...
  5. Circus and literature

    Circus and popular novel by Pascal Jacob   Undoubtedly offbeat, socially marginal, the circus has fascinated authors of popular literature since its origins or almost. With Les Mémoires de Grimaldi (...
  6. Birds


    Dans toutes les cultures, l’oiseau évoque l’enchantement, la liberté et l’exotisme pour sa palette de sons et de couleurs. Recherché, traqué, il est capturé pour son chant, son habileté à la chasse...